Refund and Cancellation Policy


Event and bus tickets are not refundable. We have a firm no-refund policy due to the nature and size of our business. However, we will do our best to assist you in receiving a refund via a ticket re-sell attempt.

We strongly encourage you to purchase travel insurance to protect yourself in case a situation occurs where you are unable to attend retreat and we are unable to re-sell your ticket.

Ticket Re-sell Attempt

If you are unable to attend and Spark Purple Co administrative bandwidth allows for it, we will do our very best to re-sell your ticket.  Ticket re-sales will occur only after all other tickets available for the event have been sold. This means your ticket will not be put up for sale until the event has sold out. If there are other tickets pending resale, your ticket will be listed for re-sale in the order the cancellation was received. If we re-sell your ticket we will refund you for the amount the ticket was re-sold for, minus a cancellation fee of $200. If your ticket is not purchased by another camper, we are unable to offer you any refund. 

Ticket Transfers

Tickets are non-transferable. You may not give or sell your ticket to someone else. You may purchase a ticket on behalf of someone else – be sure to put their name and email in the customer information. All purchases must be made through the Spark Purple store.  Tickets purchased through third party vendors will not be honored.

Need help?

Contact us for questions related to refunds and returns.